신차보험가입 롯데손해보험자동차보험 차량보험비교 자동차첫보험 인터넷자동차보험비교 자동차보험료1년 자동차의무보험
다이렉트 자동차보험 보험료 비교 견적사이트
▶ 다이렉트 자동차보험 내보험료 견적비교 [ 바로가기 ]
Sources in North Korea say that North Korea has difficulty bringing in medical devices, and that it has considered moving equipment installed at Namsan Hospital, a hospital dedicated to middle-level officials. There are also rumors that North Korea has also thought of smuggling Chinese products, but there is a problem with installing medium and medium-sized meat at each new hospital, and that Chairman Kim opposed the import of Chinese facilities.